Infrastructure Priority List 2020

Publication Date
05 August 2020

The Infrastructure Priority List is the authoritative guide to the priority infrastructure investments Australia needs to secure a sustainable and prosperous future. 

The Priority List has a strong record of driving national investment and has become a key reference point for governments at all levels.

This is the first time we have launched a mid-year release of the Priority List. This reflects the national need for infrastructure investment to progress quickly, without jeopardising the quality of those investments. The 2020 mid-year update to the Infrastructure Priority List features 12 new infrastructure proposals, added since the publication of the last Priority List in February 2020. These additions support the existing proposals on the list, establishing a comprehensive roadmap of the priority investments we need over the next 15 years.

Additionally, four proposals on the Priority List have been updated. Updates reflect when a proposal is taken up by new proponents, progresses to new stages, adapts to new challenges or becomes more time-critical.

The Priority List currently identifies 155 nationally significant infrastructure proposals, with 7 High Priority Projects, 21 Priority Projects, 37 High Priority Initiatives and 90 Priority Initiatives. This provides all levels of government with an evidence‑based list of infrastructure investment opportunities for the near, medium and longer term.

The Infrastructure Priority List is a living document, with new projects added as the Infrastructure Australia Board receives and assesses project business cases. To ensure the Priority List remains current, Infrastructure Australia is currently calling for submissions to the Priority List in order to maintain its comprehensive and robust nature. These submissions will be evaluated through the rest of 2020 and released in early 2021.

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