Wianamatta South Creek integrated land use and water cycle management

The Wianamatta South Creek catchment is the hottest, driest and least-treed area of Sydney.
Population growth and related development in the Western Parkland City could exacerbate urban heat island and degrade the local waterways and environment.
There is an opportunity to integrate water infrastructure into land use and water cycle planning, which would provide significant economic benefit compared with traditional water cycle management approaches.
The proposal is to develop the Wianamatta South Creek Catchment in a way that maximises the opportunity for integrated land use and water cycle planning to enhance liveability and protect the environmental quality of the area.
This includes delivering catalytic blue infrastructure (waterways and the facilities that support them) and green infrastructure (assets that incorporate natural vegetation), advanced water cycle management and investment in new or augmented water infrastructure.
The NSW Government is currently investigating land requirements for delivering blue and green infrastructure around the creek corridor, and options for regional governance of stormwater and waterways management for the Wianamatta South Creek catchment.
We are aware the proponent is developing a strategic business case focused on land requirements for delivering blue and green infrastructure in the upstream portion of the creek. We encourage the proponent to submit a Stage 3 submission that meets the requirements of the Infrastructure Australia Assessment Framework.