South Australian road network maintenance

There is a large and increasing backlog of maintenance on the national and state- owned roads in South Australia, which is increasing costs for road users.
Over 75% of these roads are life expired and the total backlog of priority works was estimated in 2019 at over $700 million.
Roads in poor condition lead to higher vehicle operating costs, travel times, safety risks and potential resilience issues for traffic.
The 2019 Australian Infrastructure Audit found that a historical underspend on preventative maintenance, short budgetary and funding cycles, a lack of data and incentives, and inadequate reporting have contributed to a maintenance funding backlog across infrastructure sectors.
This proposal is complementary to the Early-Stage Proposal for a National road maintenance backlog, which is separately included on the Infrastructure Priority List and identifies road maintenance issues for national, state and local roads across Australia.
Potential options to address the proposal include a program of works to prioritise and invest in maintenance upgrades across the South Australian road network.
The prioritisation of road maintenance projects should consider technical, economic, risk, safety and policy criteria to optimise economic benefit and economies of scale.
Proponent to identify and analyse potential investment options (Stage 2 of Infrastructure Australia’s Assessment Framework).
Refer to Infrastructure Glossary for terms and definitions.