Corridor preservation for Salisbury to Beaudesert rail connection

The population of South East Queensland (SEQ) is expected to grow by 2 million between 2016 and 2041.
A large proportion of this growth, around 250,000 residents, is projected to occur in the region's south-western corridor, which includes the Salisbury to Beaudesert corridor. This growth will increase demand for reliable and high capacity passenger transport connections.
Without improvements to public transport, much of the associated growth in transport demand from this area will need to be accommodated on a road network that will become progressively more congested. Unless a corridor for improved rail transport is protected, opportunities to provide sufficient rail capacity could be ‘built out’.
The 54 km proposed corridor would link Salisbury to Beaudesert in Brisbane’s south-west region. The corridor largely aligns with the existing interstate rail line between Salisbury and Kagaru. The proposal aims to provide electrified passenger rail services, with new stations, and additional space for duplication of the existing interstate freight line. A cycleway is also proposed along the corridor.
The proposal is close to the alignment for a section of the proposed east coast high speed rail line (also a corridor protection proposal on the Infrastructure Priority List).
The Queensland and Australian Governments are jointly undertaking a business case to determine the rail requirements in the Salisbury to Beaudesert corridor. The business case will confirm the strategic objectives and issues within the corridor and identify potential options for corridor preservation and staging of investment.
Proponent to complete business case development (Stage 3 of Infrastructure Australia’s Assessment Framework).
Refer to Infrastructure Glossary for terms and definitions.