Register for the launch of the Infrastructure Priority List - 26 February

Publication Date
25 February 2021

Join the launch of Infrastructure Australia’s 2021 Infrastructure Priority List – a comprehensive investment roadmap to support Australia’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2019–20 bushfires and the recent and ongoing drought.

Headshots of Michael McCormack MP, Julianne Alroe, Romilly Madew AO and Robin Jackson


Deputy Prime Minister

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development


Keynote address by JULIEANNE ALROE

Chair – Infrastructure Australia

Ms Alroe will address the key themes of the 2021 Infrastructure Priority List and the priorities for Australian infrastructure investment. 


Interactive Q & A

With ROMILLY MADEW AO FTSE – CEO, Infrastructure Australia and ROBIN JACKSON – Chief of Infrastructure Prioritisation, Infrastructure Australia. 

An interactive event

  • Submit your questions to our speakers throughout the event.
  • Discover new projects and initiatives on this year's list and learn which areas of infrastructure need focused investment.
  • Learn how Infrastructure Australia works with Australia’s governments, infrastructure delivery agencies and other infrastructure bodies to support the efficient and timely delivery of infrastructure projects.

About the Infrastructure Priority List

It is crucial that Australia continues to have a comprehensive and robust infrastructure pipeline to guide our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure that Australia can cope with future challenges.

The Infrastructure Priority List provides evidence-based advice to support an informed discussion about Australia’s spending priorities.

This year's Priority List highlights opportunities to drive economic development in regional communities, in addition to developing gateways to support our international competitiveness.

Register for the event